Grand Rapids Symphony - For the Love of Violin

Alexandra Soumm's playing here totally bowled me over
Classical Voice
Why see Grand Rapids Symphony - For the Love of Violin?
Magnificent Strings
The supremely talented Alexandra Soumm will take the spotlight as soloist with the Grand Rapids Symphony for an evening celebrating violin virtuosity and compositional genius, under the direction of conductor Marcelo Lehningher. A piece that is firmly in every world class soloist's repertoire, Brahms' Violin Concerto contains a silken Adagio with movements so exquisite its said to have brought its first audiences to tears.
Also on the program are two Schumann pieces, one composed by Clara and the other by her husband Robert. Clara Schumann's Three Romances for Violin and Piano and Robert Schumann's Fourth Symphony shine to round out this magnificent performance at DeVos Performance Hall!